When people ask me about the brain, I like to say, "your brain is like an engine … it will continue to work – and work extremely well – when you look after it."

The first step to looking after your brain is understanding these 6 "brain truths."

1. Your Brain Will Experience ‘Wear and Tear’ But You CAN Keep It Running Like New.

Every car engine will experience wear and tear from normal use. Your brain will experience wear and tear. Even a well-maintained Ferrari engine will misfire from time-to-time. Your brain is no different. It’s an organ – like your heart or liver.

However, when you ‘maintain your brain’ you will keep it operating at full power. A well-maintained Ferrari engine will produce ‘like new’ horsepower even with 150,000 miles on it.

2. Your Neurotransmitters Are the ‘Spark Plugs of the Brain.’

Your brain is constantly producing billions of electrical signals. It relies heavily on neurotransmitters to produce the electricity that keeps the brain running at full power. Neurotransmitters promote memory speed, improve learning capacity, and help you concentrate.

Neurotransmitters are a lot like the spark plugs in a car. The spark plugs must be clean and fresh otherwise the engine will misfire. It’s easy to keep your brain ‘spark plugs’ like new. I will show you how in a minute.

3. Your Brain is Constantly Under Attack.

Normal use means the engine will experience wear and tear. But this can get worse when the engine operates in dusty, polluted, and sandy areas. Your brain will age as you get older but environmental factors and free radicals can speed up brain decay.

Free radicals are atoms that enter your cells through pollution and eating ‘bad’ foods. Free radicals can damage cells and accelerate the brain-aging process.

If you want to keep your brain running at ‘full throttle’ then you must fight these pollutants and free radicals. Winning this fight is VITAL if you want to keep your brain razor-sharp as you grow older.

4. You Can’t Replace Your Brain … But …

When the engine in a car reaches a certain age, you have two options. You can replace it with a new engine or you can rebuild the engine. You can’t replace your brain – obviously – but you can rebuild it.

That’s correct – with the correct nutrition, you can help reverse the effects of aging and keep your brain running like new … effectively rebuilding your brain.

And it doesn’t matter how hard you have ‘run’ your brain … you can help reverse the effects of aging and even poor diet habits.

5. You Must Pay Close Attention to the ‘Wiring’ of Your Brain.

Today’s high-tech car engines have on-board computers. Engines have thousands of wires and sensors to connect the engine to the ‘brain’ of the car. The technology makes the car run faster and more efficiently. The intricate wiring also detects problems and sends important signals to the driver.

Your brain has hundreds of millions of connections. The ‘wires’ in your brain are protected by a white matter called Myelin. Myelin protects your brain nerves so that messages can travel effectively and powerfully.

When the myelin becomes damaged, your brain cells can’t communicate as effectively – and this explains why you have those “senior moments” and sometimes forget someone’s name … even if you have known them for a long time … or just met them two minutes ago.

If you protect your Myelin with the correct nutrition, you can enjoy a razor-sharp mind for as long as you live.

6. Your Brain MUST Have the Correct Fuel.

The engine in a Ferrari must have the correct fuel – high octane gas. It must also have regular oil changes with the highest quality oil available.

Your brain MUST have the correct nutrition – otherwise it will NOT run smoothly and it will not run at full power.

But with the correct “brain” fuel, you can expect a razor-sharp brain operating at full power for as long as you live.

9 Brain Boosters To Give You Maximum “Brain Horsepower” at All Times

After months of research, I came up with 9 foods your brain must have – if you want your brain working a full power at all times.

1. Ginkgo Leaf Extract – Supporting Micro-Circulation in Your Brain So It Can Operate at Full Throttle.

Ginkgo Leaf Extract comes from the Ginkgo tree. It’s no ordinary tree. Ginkgos were around when dinosaurs roamed the earth – so it’s a living fossil.

When Hiroshima was struck by an atomic bomb at the end of World War II, the only trees to survive were Ginkgo trees.

So it’s no surprise the leaves of the Ginkgo tree have powerful medicinal properties … especially when it comes to brain health. It’s like giving your brain the highest quality fuel on the planet.

Ginkgo can improve blood flow to the brain plus numerous studies have show that Ginkgo leaf extract can improve …

  • Recall … mental accuracy … responsiveness …
  • Processing speed of the brain …
  • Mental calmness …
  • Quality of memory … short-term and long-term …
  • Overall intelligence …

With Ginkgo on your side, you may remember names and faces better. You can avoid those “senior” moments. People will start to notice your mental alertness.

A Brazilian study performed by prominent Brazilian Psychobiologist shows that Ginkgo helps with micro-circulation. This gives your brain a “raging torrent” of essential nutrients every second of every day.

In this landmark double-blind, study the researchers pinpointed specific brain benefits of Ginkgo like improved vocabulary, general intelligence, comprehension, and information processing.

And a German study including adults ages 45-65 focused entirely on recall and memory. The results showed that Ginkgo leaf extract can improve recall – especially long-term memory. This means Ginkgo can help you cherish memories from childhood and youth – for as long as you live.

A combined study from the University of Northumbria in the UK and the Institute of Biomedical Technologies Segrate in Milan, Italy, also showed the power of Ginkgo. In this study, researchers focused on the speed of memory recall. The group that received the Ginkgo compound enjoyed massive improvements in speed of memory recall just 6 hours after taking 120mg of Ginkgo.

Plus Ginkgo can protect brain cells from problems that come from lifestyle and environment – literally repairing and restoring your brain health.

Ginkgo can help end those senior moments and protect your brain. You’ll remember key facts and names plus you’ll remember them lightning-fast.

2. L-Theanine – VITAL for Healthy Neurotransmitters – The “Electricity” of the Brain. Works in 30 Minutes According to Oxford University Study.

L-Theanine is an amino acid found in several plants – and in green tea. The most important role of L-Theanine is to increase alpha wave activity. Alpha waves also play a vital role in memory, learning, concentration, and deep sleep.

Healthy neurotransmitters and alpha waves are also linked.

When your neurotransmitters are healthy, it means all the connections between your brain cells are working at maximum efficiency. This keeps you alert and focused in everything you do … clear thinking and total recall.

It’s like your brain is always plugged in and switched on – keeping you alert and razor-sharp.

A report in The Journal of Physiological Anthropology studied the impact of L-Theanine on stress and blood pressure. L-Theanine can help to maintain normal blood pressure in stressful situations – and reduce associated anxiety.

Stress can be a disaster for brain health because of the stress hormones the body releases. So a key to brain health support is avoiding the impact of stress.

Even better, an Oxford University study revealed that L-Theanine provides its benefits quickly. From the study: “L-Theanine is thought to cross the blood-brain barrier to exert its effect directly on the brain within 30 minutes.”

3. Ashwagandha Root Extract – Shown to Protect Brain Health by Fighting the Impact of Stress on the Brain.

In the medical community, we know that regular stress can have a devastating impact on brain health ... caused by the powerful hormones that stress releases into our bloodstream – and into our brains.

Ashwagandha can reduce anxiety and stress and help to protect the brain from the negative effects of stress hormones. It’s like building a brick wall to keep stress out of your brain.

We also know that Ashwagandha can repair brain cells and nerve-signaling pathways. That’s because Ashwagandha supports the regeneration of the axons and dendrites of nerve cells. With Ashwagandha on your side, it’s like you’re taking your car into a repair shop for a total overhaul.

Ashwagandha can even support the reconstruction of synapses … which help nerve cells communicate with other cells. A study published in Life Extension Magazine suggests ashwagandha could help to heal the brain tissue changes that accompany age-related cognitive decline. The same study indicates that ashwagandha helped to promote the growth of nerve cells.

I’m a huge fan of ashwagandha because it can help to maintain brain health plus repair damage from environmental factors – and what you may have eaten in the past.

4. Folic Acid – Can Improve the Speed of Recall and Recognition

Folic acid is also known as vitamin B9 or vitamin M. It can support positive mood and improved memory performance. Want to remember where you put your car keys? Then take some folic acid now!

But Folic acid has been shown to provide two additional and important brain health benefits…

Fluency – to keep your mind, speech, and thinking razor-sharp. A study by Australian researchers showed that Folic acid improved memory performance when taken with vitamins B6 and B12.

Cognitive speed – so your brain can work at top speed at all times and you quickly recall names and facts.

As I tell my patients …

“Everyone who is interested in the support of brain health should include folic acid in their daily diet.”

5. N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine and Acetyl L-Carnitine … Boosting and Supporting Your Neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters are the messengers in your brain – making communication possible in your brain. It’s pretty simple … healthy neurotransmitters can equal healthy brain function.

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine and Acetyl L-Carnitine are building blocks of neurotransmitters. They are also known as ALT and ALC.

Even better, ALT can support levels of key brain chemicals like dopamine, boost recognition, and can reduce stress levels. That’s based on research from a U.S. Army study. Turns out the U.S. Army wanted to see if ALT could help the brain performance of soldiers.

But ALC is even stronger – and provides a wider range of brain health benefits. An Italian study showed that elderly people who took ACL performed significantly better on memory tests.

ALC can also promote and support:

  • Concentration
  • Faster reaction times
  • Reduced mental fatigue
  • Reduced physical fatigu

And a study from the University of Parma in Italy indicates that ALC supports overall brain function – especially as people age.

So it’s no surprise I recommend ALT and ALC to all my patients who are concerned about brain health. It’s a way to keep your brain engine running at full speed throughout the day – not just in the morning. Imagine staying razor-sharp mentally and remembering key facts well into the night.

6. Vitamin B6 – Supports the Performance of Your Memory By Increasing Grey Matter

Problem … as you age, your brain can shrink.

Solution … vitamin B6.

A vitamin B6 study from the University of Illinois stated:

“We found that adults with greater vitamin B6 intake had greater gray matter volume along the medial wall, anterior cingulate cortex, medial parietal cortex, middle temporal gyrus, and superior frontal gyrus.”

With “youthful” grey matter volume, you can continue to enjoy razor-sharp recall. In fact, vitamin B6 also supports:

Recognition – so you remember the names of people and places.

Short-term memory and overall memory performance. Remember the name of someone you just met.

Long-term memory – remember memories from decades ago.

In fact, one study from The Netherlands focused entirely on men. The study discovered that vitamin B6 played a significant role in the production of neurotransmitters – especially in the elderly.

Memory issues are the most challenging problems facing people as they age … you can fight these issues with vitamin B6.

7. Vitamin B2 – For Stronger Memory Recall

You might be familiar with Vitamin B2 … also known as Riboflavin … but you might not be aware of its many brain health benefits.

B2 helps with the oxidation of glucose in the brain. This means it turns energy in the bloodstream into pure brain power so that micronutrients get to your brain more effectively.

A study from Oregon State University stated a clear connection between B vitamins and memory recall. “Deficiencies in various micronutrients, especially the B vitamins, have adverse effects on cognition.” Without B2, you run the risk of your brain “running out of gas.”
An article published in the Alternative Medicine Review indicated that a higher intake of B2 is directly associated with better work recall.

B2 helps to create R5P which you must have if you want other vitamins to work at full power. And B2 also helps convert folate to 5-MTHF … important for healthy DNA reproduction. DNA is the building block of … YOU!

I mentioned the importance of neurotransmitters – the messengers in your brain. B2 is vital for the production and metabolism of neurotransmitters and a robust and deep memory.

B2 also helps to create vitamin B12 which increases the grey matter in your brain – so your brain is not shrinking … but growing as you age. One way to keep your brain working at full speed is to make sure you are constantly creating grey matter.

And there’s one more important benefit. B2 turns homocysteine to methionine. What does that mean? Turns out methionine is an amino acid and a vital building block of brain cells – it also helps to fight the “bad” fats that can slow down your brain activity.

As you see, vitamin B2 is a ‘wonder-vitamin’ for the brain because it helps vital nutrients get to the brain. B2 can help with every part of your brain’s overall health.

8. Vitamin B12 – Helps With Memory Plus Improves Mood

The benefits of vitamin B12 are similar to those of vitamin B6 … vitamin B12 can be a huge memory booster because it also builds grey matter volume. But B12 also helps to support a positive mood – a big bonus if you start to worry about aging – or anything else.

Remember that anxiety and stress can have a hugely negative impact on the brain.

As a recent report in the American Journal of Psychology recently concluded:

“In community-dwelling women, metabolically significant vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with a twofold benefit for mood.”

So it’s vital to get adequate B12 in your diet as you age.

9. Bioperine – ‘Turbo Charges’ Those All-Important B Vitamins

Bioperine is an extract from black pepper. I just wrote about the importance of B vitamins in your diet. Bioperine is vital for brain health because it is thought to make B vitamins – especially vitamin B6 – more available in the bloodstream and the brain.

Add Bioperine to the B vitamins and you can enjoy stronger memory and recognition benefits.

While the other “brain boosters” focus mostly on directly improving the inner workings of the brain, Bioperine helps to maintain brain health in two vital ways.

First – Human clinical research has demonstrated that a mere 5 mg significantly enhances the bioavailability of vitamin B6 – for more potential benefits.

Second – Additional human studies have show that Bioperine has the same effect on a wide range of critical nutrients, which likely means better absorption of the other brain-boosting ingredients.

So Bioperine is the perfect addition to the other ingredients I just mentioned – especially the B vitamins.

Now that I have revealed the 9 “brain boosters” I recommend to my patients, let me reveal …

How to Get ALL 9 “Brain Boosters” Into Your Diet...Every Day...For Around a Dollar a Day...

Good News: you can find all of the “Brain Booster” ingredients in a health food store … or online.

Bad News: it’s difficult to find the correct dosages for each “Brain Booster” … plus … if you had to buy all the ingredients separately, you would spend well over $300 a month.

And you’d have to take 10-15 pills a day.

A few months ago, I met with the nutritional specialists at Primal Health. I asked them to create a new dietary supplements with ALL the 9 “Brain Boosters” … at the right dosages … with the highest quality ingredients … at a reasonable price.

Primal Health came back to me with …

An All-New Dietary Supplement for The Highest Quality Brain Support...At a Sensible Price...

CogniForce™ is a dietary supplement I created with the nutritional specialists at Primal Health. CogniForce™ includes:

  • Ginkgo leaf extract
  • Ashwagandha root extract
  • Vitamins B2, B6, and B12
  • Folic acid
  • L-theanine
  • Black pepper fruit extract (Bioperine®)
  • N-acetyl L-tyrosine
  • Acetyl L-carnitine

I carefully formulated CogniForce™ with the correct dosages of each ingredient – based on the latest nutritional research.

Simply take 2 easy-to-swallow CogniForce™ tablets every day and you can rest assured knowing you’re getting the highest quality fuel for brain support.

Take CogniForce™ daily if …

  • You’re having the occasional “senior moment” and you’re suddenly becoming more forgetful than usual
  • You’re in your 40s, 50s, 60s 70s, or 80s, and you want to maintain and even improve your overall brain health and memory
  • You’re serious about your cognitive health and function

You cannot get all these brain boosting ingredients in a normal diet … it’s not possible … but you MUST have these ingredients in your diet for robust brain health.

CogniForce™ provides all the key brain ingredients I recommend to my patients.

Let me give you …

24 Reasons to Add CogniForce™ To Your Daily Diet

I’m recommending CogniForce™ to all my patients … and I’m taking it … and here’s why … CogniForce™ can help you …


Guard against the normal brain wear and tear that occurs with aging.


Instantly remember the names of people – even if you haven’t seen them for months or years.


Find your eyeglasses, car keys, and everything else – right away.


Enjoy your friends or relatives throughout the years.


Enjoy your normal activities.


Keep your sex life robust … and maintain your overall health.


Keep conversations on track and always remember what you were going to say next.


Keep working and enjoying your profession … for as long as you want to work.


Stay laser-focuses on projects, hobbies, and other pursuits.


Keep learning and expanding your knowledge … even learning new skills.


Sleep peacefully at night knowing that your brain is getting the nutritional support it needs.


Feel youthful and sharp – every day.


Live your life to the fullest … without worrying about your memory and brain health.


Enjoy your family time … and time with friends … forever.


Beat back the impact of free radicals, stress, and pollutants that might have entered your system – and your brain.


Maintain your overall health – remember that the brain controls all the other organs in your body.


Fix … then maintain … your brain wiring so you improve your memory.


Stop the effects of aging – immediately.


Enjoy a sense of calm and peace … even under serious stress.


Bulletproof your brain against killer toxins.


Cut years off your brain’s age.




Save HUNDREDS every month because you don’t have to buy all the “brain boosting” ingredients separately.


Get a special low introductory price …

click here

I’m taking CogniForce™ … you can too. You may be asking …

Why Should I Trust Primal Health?

That’s a good question … so let me answer it. There are thousands of companies out there selling health supplements. I could work with pretty much any supplier of dietary supplements but I choose to work with Primal Health.

Here’s why …

You can be TOTALLY ASSURED you’re getting the highest quality ingredients we can find.

Another “Hidden” Benefit … Maintain Your Sex Drive

I formulated and created CogniForce™ to support brain health and keep your brain running at ‘full throttle’ at all times.

But the ingredients in CogniForce™ will help with overall health AND help you maintain healthy libido.

L-Theanine can help with healthy blood pressure which can be vital for sexual arousal.

Vitamin B2 helps to turn glucose into energy – and energy is vital for sex drive … especially as you age.

Vitamin B12 can help with positive mood support – vital to help you “stay in the mood” for a healthy sex life. Anxiety and stress can have a hugely negative impact on the brain – and also your sex life. B12 can negate the effects of stress.

Ginkgo Leaf Extract supports micro-circulation which is vital for the flow of blood and nutrients to the sexual organs.

Taken together, the ingredients in CogniForce™ will support brain health. But will also support sexual health and well-being.

A Special Low Introductory Price – But Hurry

Because we’re introducing CogniForce™, you can get this all-new brain support supplement at a special low introductory price.

1 Month Supply

List Price: 57.00

Today’s Price:

6 Month Supply

List Price: $342.00

Today’s Price:

You Save: $105! (31%)
That's just $39.50 per pack!

This special offer is only available until 11:59 PM Central on Tuesday, March 1st. Supplies are limited. So you must order now before we run out – or we have to increase the price due to an increase in the price of ingredients.

You take no risk … because …

We Back CogniForce™ with a Rock-Solid Guarantee – It Must Work or You Receive Your Money Back

CogniForce™ must help you improve your overall brain health … and keep your brain and memory running at full speed … or you receive a full and courteous refund.

If you’re not happy for any reason – or no reason – simply contact our customer care team within 60 days or purchase … and you’ll receive a full refund – no questions asked.

So you take absolutely NO RISK when you choose to add CogniForce™ to your daily diet. It’s our commitment to our quality … and your health and satisfaction.

A Brain That’s Firing on All Cylinders... Or the Fog of Brain Decline...The Choice is Yours

Right now, you have a simple – but vitally important – choice.

You can ignore your brain health … and experience the effects of normal wear and tear with aging …

OR …

You can take action NOW to deal with “senior moments” and keep your brain health at the top level possible.

If you want to maintain your brain health, then you MUST try CogniForce™ now.

I know you’ll make the right choice.

Simply click here now or click the button now to order.

Together, we’re going to keep your brain in top health … and help you enjoy your golden years

To Your Health,

Dr. Will Mitchell

Austin, Texas

P.S. Even if your diet is near-perfect – or it’s not – there is NO WAY to get all these important nutrients in your diet every day.

So that’s why you need CogniForce™ in your daily diet.

Simply click here now or click the button now to order CogniForce™.

P.P.S. Guess which organ controls your sex life? Yes – it’s your brain. If you want to enjoy healthy libido and a healthy sex life then you MUST pay close attention to brain health.

And that’s where CogniForce™ comes in … it will help you maintain your brain health so you enjoy the best sex ever! Whatever your age!

Simply click here now or click the button now to order CogniForce™.